
Community voices add fresh air to World Smokefree Day - 31st May

To mark the day this year, Hāpai Te Hauora shares what ‘smokefree’ means to the people of Aotearoa. Hāpai is leading a campaign that asks Facebook users, whānau and friends to answer the question "What does smokefree mean to me?"

Hāpai has asked tamariki, rangatahi and whānau as well as health workers and academics to share their stories and opinions.

media release: Plain pack research should encourage more Smokefree 2025 mahi

Hāpai Te Hauora welcomes new research from Otago University which shows plain packaging has taken the appeal out of cigarette packets. The researchers says the study shows that making cigarette packaging standard in New Zealand in 2018 has hit the policy target, which was to make tobacco products less appealing and to make health warnings on cigarette packs more obvious.

Ministry of Health ramps up vaping support by launching "Vaping Facts" website

Associate Minister Jenny Salesa today announced that the New Zealand-specific "Vaping Facts" website is now live. Wairehu or vaping products are being touted as one avenue to helping Aotearoa reach its ambitious target of being smokefree by 2025. The intention of the site is to offer key facts about wairehu, information on wairehu versus smoking and contextualise wairehu as a tool to quit smoking.

Hāpai Te Hauora cautions the health sector about silencing Māori voices in the fight to reduce tobacco harm

Hāpai te Hauora supports wairehu as a tool to stop smoking. Hāpai National Manager for Tobacco Control, Mihi Blair, was a member of the “Vaping Facts” website advisory board and says  “Those who quit cigarettes have diverse experiences and needs. We need to be supporting whānau by providing access to the most effective options available”.