He Mokopuna te Taonga
How Easy is it to Enrol Pēpi Māori in Primary Healthcare? Help us understand & we will koha you a $100 prezzy card for your time.
Mokopuna are taonga and our whānau want to protect their pēpi who are at higher risk than other tamariki to get sicknesses that can be prevented by vaccines. We know that getting pēpi immunised on time is a safe and strong way to protect them and that tamariki who are fully enrolled with a primary healthcare provider have better rates of immunisation than those who are not. However, the vaccination disparity between tamariki and non-Māori children in Aotearoa has only increased since COVID-19.
That's why our research team are hosting whānau interviews to figure out how we can make it easier for you to enrol baby into a primary healthcare provider so they get their vaccinations on time. If your baby is between 6 weeks and 12 months old and you've wanted them to get enrolled or vaccinated but haven't been, then watch our video to see if you'd like to join! If you're interested or have any pātai, click one of the buttons below.